Navigating Zoning and Land Use Regulations for Owner and Seller Financed Land Purchases

Once you have reviewed the zoning ordinance and determined the appropriate zoning classification for your property, you will need to obtain a building permit from the local building department. A building permit is required for all new construction, as well as for any alterations or additions to existing structures. The building permit application must be accompanied by a site plan that shows the proposed location of all buildings and structures on the property. The site plan must also show compliance with all setback requirements contained in the zoning ordinance.

After you have obtained a building permit, you will need to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the local building department before you can move into your new home or begin operating your business. The certificate of occupancy verifies that the structure has been constructed in accordance with the approved plans and meets all applicable building code requirements. Once you have obtained a certificate of occupancy, you will be able to legally occupy or use your property in accordance with the approved plans.

Zoning and land use regulations can be complex, but it is important that you understand these regulations before purchasing land. By contacting the local zoning office and requesting a copy of the ordinance, you can begin to understand what types of development are allowed on your property. Once you have reviewed the ordinance, you will need to obtain a building permit from the local building department before beginning any construction on your property. Finally, after your structure has been built, you will need to obtain a certificate of occupancy from the local building department before occupying or using your property.